Created by Walter Thompson, Soundpainting is a universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language. The language comprises more than 1200 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter, who acts as the composer, to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The Soundpainter composes in real time, combining both specificity and chance to create new improvisational pieces in the moment. Dave is an experienced Soundpainter who can run workshops with instrumentalists or interdisciplinarily among artists. Having run prior workshops with children and teens of all ages in both Italy and the United Kingdom, Dave joins together a fluency of Soundpainting gestures with exacting composition and improvisation skills, a teaching background and multi-instrumental training to orchestrate a holistic and fun music education workshop.


(IT) "Il lavoro è stato estremamente coinvolgente per tutte/i, nonostante le diverse fasce d'età e i diversi "livelli musicali" dei partecipanti.

L'energia del lavoro rende tutti partecipi e protagonisti delle sessioni e tutti hanno la possibilità di sperimentarsi in prima persona, mettendosi in gioco come "direttori d'orchestra" e suonando in gruppo. Si sono sperimentati nella conduzione anche giovani con grandi difficoltà, che restano generalmente ai margini delle nostre proposte laboratoriali.

Ognuno vive la forza e la difficoltà di "suonare insieme", nonché la responsabilità di "guidare gli altri". Dave crea un clima di divertimento e "non giudizio" che rende il workshop un'esperienza umana e artistica veramente unica."

Dina Giuseppetti, MaTeMù School

(EN) “Dave Morecroft has made MaTeMù a soundpanting workshop (instantaneous composition method) with a very high number of both Italian and foreign-born girls and boys.

The work was extremely engaging for all, despite the different age groups and the different "musical levels" of the participants.

The energy of the workshop makes everyone a part of the sessions and everyone has the opportunity to experience firsthand, playing both as "orchestra conductors" and in groups. Everyone experiences the strength and difficulty of "playing together" as well as the responsibility to "lead others". Dave creates a climate of fun and "no judgment" that makes the workshop a truly unique human and artistic experience."

Dina Giuseppetti, MaTeMù School